The Same Power

The Same Power

By F. D. Adkins

A few months ago, I purchased an over-the-toilet cabinet. I had purchased this particular one because it matched the vanity cabinet in our guest bathroom, and because it was in the same product line as the vanity that I was pleased with, I failed to read the reviews. I spread a rug out in the garage and assembled the cabinet myself, and I have to say, it looked so good. And then, I carried it into the house to the bathroom only to discover it was too short to fit over the toilet. I had been so excited to find the cabinet that perfectly matched the vanity that I had not checked the measurements printed on the box. I assumed since it was made to go over the toilet, and we had a standard-size commode, it was sure to fit. At this point, I go to the website and find that I am not the only person to have had this problem. I believe one person even made the comment in a review that the product must not have been tested with a real toilet. So, I call the store only to be told that I can disassemble it and return it. However, one of the store clerks admitted after looking at the measurements on the box that this shelf would not fit over any toilet they sold.

In short, I did not return the cabinet. I was not disassembling it, and I still liked it because it matched. Instead, the project turned into adapting and overcoming. I removed the cabinet from the stand that should have fit over the toilet. My husband adapted the back of the cabinet with support so it could be mounted to the wall.

My point is that this cabinet had been designed with all of these pieces. The directions were clear and precise. Yet, with all of the engineering and perfectly cut boards, in the end, the product could not do what it was designed to do.

I think of our bodies, the cells, the organs, and the systems that all perform at the same time. Our brains are so complex. The amount of information that we can store and recall is mind-blowing, and add to that, how differently we each process information and create. Some of us have a knack for math and numbers, while others can create wondrous works from their imagination.

That said, I believe wholeheartedly in the Bible and the Creation. Not only am I certain of our God and His power because of all those things that have happened in my life that could only be God’s providence, not coincidence, but it also seems unfathomable that, with the complexity of our bodies, we could be here by any other means than the all-powerful God that created us in His image.

That brings me to the Bible verses I committed to memory last week, Ephesians 1:19-20. “And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, Which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the Heavenly place” (KJV). God, who created the Heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, the oceans and fish, the birds and the trees, and every living thing is God who raised Jesus from the dead. And our all-powerful God wants a personal relationship with each of us. Anytime, anywhere, we can pray and talk to the God that spoke everything into existence. Anytime, anywhere, we can cry out to the same God that raised Jesus from the dead.

1 Comment

  1. Carolyn Bryant

    A personal relationship with God… He wants us to have this. He is there for the asking, we just have to want it and ask. He never leaves us, always there. I don’t know what I would do without him. I find myself talking to Him throughout the day & night.

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