When It Comes from the Heart…
She is going above and beyond because all of her goals have one major goal in mind. She is doing everything unto her Lord.
Free From the Chains… A NEW WAY OF THINKING
The enemy might try to rock him with some pretty fierce storms, but nothing can sink his ship with God as his captain.
THANKFUL in the Storm
For a moment, imagine being on a ship in the middle of the ocean during a horrendous storm on a boat tossed about by ginormous waves.
PEACE in the Storm
… and yet in my memories, she had this peace that was beyond human understanding, especially for those on the outside looking in.
HOPE in the Storm
…it reminds me of how God’s promise held me steady in the midst of a turbulent time in my life.
Courage in the Storm
Pondering on the scene, I couldn’t help but think how I would react in the same situation.