White Noise: I Want My Life To Be More In 2024

White Noise: I Want My Life To Be More In 2024
White Noise

By F. D. Adkins

White noise… meaningless repetition… sound without purpose — I don’t want to look back and realize my life has only been white noise. I want to know that I have used the gifts and time God has given me wisely and fulfilled the purpose He has for me. I want to say, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7 KJV).

The other day, I overheard a conversation that inspired me to dig a little deeper into my aspirations for the new year. In this conversation, this girl was questioning what would be said, or rather, remembered about her at her funeral. In other words, what would this person’s legacy be? What would be remembered about her character?

As I contemplated the dialogue in this conversation, I began to really think about God’s purpose in creating me and how I use the time that He has gifted me to accomplish His purpose. Are the things I am focusing on making a difference for Him? What do I need to do differently in 2024? For example, my blog has been a question on my mind for a while. Are any of the thoughts that I share helpful or encouraging to others in their walk with Christ? Is there a better way to share what God has laid on my heart? Podcasts seem to be prospering. I do not like public speaking, but I know God is leading me to share my faith in this venue. And of course, fiction writing is my ‘go-to’ in sharing my faith. So, do I start a new series this coming year?

With all the questions bombarding my brain about my future goals, I have spent a lot of time in prayer seeking guidance and direction. I decided to create a mind map to organize my chaotic questions, noting scripture within my map, hoping to shed some perspective on my goals for 2024. In doing so, I know the path God is nudging me to take. It’s not a path I am comfortable with. Yet, it is where I feel Him leading. That said, I see at least one new release this year with a message that I feel God has confirmed over and over again for me to share. And invitations to appear on podcasts keep coming my way, so I know God is calling me there. I have even wondered if my own podcast could replace my blog at some point. But, one day at a time, I will see where God leads.

In case you might be interested in creating a mind map of your own to reflect and note certain scriptures to help set goals for the new year, I have posted a pic of mine that has one primary focus: I do not want to waste any of the precious time God has given me.

1 Comment

  1. Joy Victor

    I love your idea for handwritten notes! I’ve had this on my mind as well and who doesn’t love to get a handwritten note in the mail?! It shows someone that they are special to you when you take the time to handwrite (or even text/call–but there’s something about a handwritten note!) a note and send it in the mail! Sometimes the “simple” things in life have very profound meaning and make a true difference in someone’s life.
    On a different note, I like your blogs and think you should keep it up….it’s making a difference even if you don’t directly hear from people. 🙂 And keep up with your podcasts…God is using them for sure and your courage alone speaks volumes!

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