Waiting For The Light

Waiting For The Light
Waiting For The Light

By F. D. Adkins

Every December, I love to go over and over the scriptures revolving around the Christmas story and the birth of our Savior. And I often find myself surprised at my discovery of details that I had never noticed before or a new revelation that I got from reading verses that I must have read a million times. Well, this week as I read the scriptures, I found myself thinking about God’s timing and trusting God’s plan. Patience is not always easy, and honestly, this last week, I have found myself battling the enemy’s whispers of discouragement. So, I want to share the message that God put on my heart from His Word this week.

As I began my study, I read through some of the prophetic verses in Isaiah about the coming Savior. Then, I flipped over to the books of Matthew and Luke and read the verses about the birth of Jesus. And it was as if the words, TRUST GOD, were right there in flashing bold letters. Isaiah’s prophecy about the coming Savior was probably around seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus. Isaiah 9:6 says, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (KJV). As I thought about this prophecy and the fact that the birth of Jesus came around seven centuries later, I was reminded that God’s timing goes according to His plan, and His plan is mapped out for eternity. The answer to our problem may not come in the next five minutes or tomorrow or even next week, but it will come. And it may not be the exact answer we are looking for, but if He sent His Son to die in our place, then we can trust that He is going to do what is best.

When it comes to trusting God’s plan and the Christmas story, one person stands out, and that person is Mary. Here she is, engaged to be married, and she discovers that she is pregnant. Naturally, one would automatically think she would be worried about Joseph’s reaction, and not only that but how her reputation would be scarred and how people would treat her. But she didn’t. She trusted God. Mary’s response was, “…Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38 KJV). Mary trusted God’s plan.

Let us trust God’s plan as Mary did. And let’s pray for help in bearing the spiritual fruit of patience. And let’s remember that complete trust is knowing that God’s timing is best.  


  1. Carolyn Bryant

    Patience is so hard…but God does everything on His time-line not ours. I try to remember that when I am waiting on something and it doesn’t happen. It doesn’t mean it isn’t going happen, it just means NOT YET. Thank you for this blog, food for thought…

  2. Ina Hudson

    Thanks for the Blog. I enjoy reading your blog. I am guilty of not wanting to wait. Thank you for reminding to keep trusting God. Things are done on his timing not ours.

    • F. D. Adkins

      Thank you so much for reading my blog, and I am so happy that you enjoy it. Waiting is hard, and I tend to not want to truly hand the problem over to Him. But the verse says, “Casting all your care upon Him…”. If we cast it, we can’t hold on to it.

  3. Linda Epperhart

    Thanks Farrah. I enjoyed reading it very much. Just wait God has a plan for all of us.

    • F. D. Adkins

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. I am thrilled that you enjoy it. God does have a plan for all of us. The hard part for me is being patient before I try to fix things myself.

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