Turn On The Light

Turn On The Light
Turn On The Light

By F. D. Adkins

As most of you know from previous posts, my husband and I are in the process of building a house. We are there working almost every night. However, one night, in particular, a few weeks ago, it was darker than usual when I walked to my car. Dense clouds filled the sky concealing the light from the moon and the stars, but since I always follow that same path to my car, I didn’t think much of the darkness or even bother using the flashlight on my phone. I just trudged along, and knowing myself, I am guessing my mind was a million miles away thinking about what I needed to do when I got home or brainstorming the next scene in my book. But when I started my car and flipped on my headlights, I was shocked. Deer were standing all in the driveway in front of my car. Now, I love animals, so even though I know those woods are full of deer, and I see them all the time, I was still excited and tried to take pictures. But the point of my little story is that these deer were all around me as I walked to the car, and I didn’t know it because I didn’t use my flashlight.

I share this little anecdote because this past week, I picked up one of those expensive college textbooks from the shelf that I had purchased for one of my kid’s classes. Since school is over, my plan was to sell it. As I knocked the dust from the book, I realized that this book had not been opened or even moved since it came in the mail. And I couldn’t help but think how much more could have been learned in that course had the book actually been utilized.

So, with that being said, my verse for this week is Psalm 119:105.

  • Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105 KJV

We are living in a dark world, and the Bible tells us that we are in a spiritual battle. Take note that the following verse points out that we are fighting against “the rulers of the darkness of this world.”

  • “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 KJV

How do I fight against the darkness of this world? I need the light. I need God’s Word. But His Word can’t light my path if I don’t open my Bible. It won’t guide me through the darkness if I don’t read the words and keep them in my heart.

Bible Verse For This Week: