Through the Eyes of a Child

Through the Eyes of a Child
Through the Eyes of a Child

A little girl with a lot to say chatters from the passenger seat. “You know what, Mommy?”

“What?” I reply with curiosity.

“I sure am glad Eve ate that apple.”

I remain speechless for a moment as I try to wrap my mind around my daughter’s statement. I think of Eve disobeying God by eating the fruit that He had told her not to eat. Eve could eat from any tree in the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but she gives in to temptation. Eve eats the fruit of the only tree she was not to partake of and then gives the fruit to Adam. This disobedience brings sin into the world, and that sin brings death. Man would no longer live the easy life in paradise but would have to work for provisions. Not only does man have to labor for food, but he will have obstacles to overcome. Genesis 3:17 says, “Cursed is the ground for thy sake” (KJV). Mankind now has to battle weeds as he labors for food. On top of this, women will have to endure physical pain in childbirth.

So, where is the upside to Eve’s choice to follow the serpent’s advice? I cannot wait to hear her reasoning, so I ask, “Oh. Why is that?”

“Well, if Eve didn’t eat that apple, snakes would have legs. And it would be really creepy to see a snake running through the yard.


A child’s perception sometimes stumps adults. Maturity brings responsibility, and with that responsibility comes obstacles and worry. Pessimism trumps optimism as it seems life brings storm after storm, and those storms cause tree after tree to fall on the road blocking the way. However, adults can learn so much from children. As imaginative as her conclusion was, my daughter uncovered her own positive from Eve’s disobedience. Eve’s bad choice now allowed my daughter to play outside without the worry of encountering a snake speeding through the yard on legs.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 KJV).

When those trees block the path, God will provide a detour for those that trust him.
As Christians in a dark world, we need to shine light and reflect the hope that a relationship with Jesus gives us. Sometimes we need to look at things through the eyes of a child. Children do not stress out about their needs being taken care of. They trust that their parents will take care of them. In the same way, Christians should put their trust in their Heavenly Father. Of course, God does not promise a smooth travel, but He promises to be there to guide the journey.
“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee” (Isaiah 43:2 KJV).

So, just as a little girl discovered a slice of chocolate cake in the middle of the salad bar, those that have accepted Christ as their savior can find light in the darkest times because they have the assurance of having their own personal tour guide until they reach their eternal Heavenly destination. And, if a person does not have that assurance, it is only a prayer away.


  1. Sherry Boylen

    Reading this I got so tickled. Children are innocent and so truthful. This is what God intended for us all to be. But He had a plan and the plan was Jesus! Jesus is our way to him. Through him he hears us. We are his children. And we need to trust him as a child trusts.
    Great story, thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Rita Cope-Messer

    I enjoy reading your writings. They make me pause and think of all GOD’s wonderfully works.

  3. Rita Cope-Messer

    I enjoy reading your writings. They cause me to pause and think of all GOD’s wonderful works.

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