Don’t Let Hope Fade

Don’t Let Hope Fade

When we look at the world around us, God is working. And when it doesn’t seem like an end to a problem is anywhere in sight or the burden will never lighten, remember, God isn’t done.
Watch Out!

Watch Out!

But I didn’t expect a snake to be on our porch when we were moving all around in that area and making all of this loud noise. It’s the same with the devil. He attacks us in places and times that we least expect it.
Turn On The Light

Turn On The Light

Dense clouds filled the sky concealing the light from the moon and the stars, but since I always follow that same path to my car, I didn’t think much of the darkness or even bother using the flashlight on my phone.
Embracing Change

Embracing Change

I often think the devil distracts us with things in our past to keep us from moving forward. If we aren’t moving forward, we can’t accomplish the goals God has set for us. In a sense, we become paralyzed and never get outside that box.


Let us feel the comfort and security of God’s promises. And let us be ready when He comes to take us home.