

Let us feel the comfort and security of God’s promises. And let us be ready when He comes to take us home.
Need Direction?

Need Direction?

Do I truly with an open heart ask, “God what do you want me to do today?”, and then keep my eyes and ears open and focused on the opportunities that He may present me with throughout the day.
Stand Out

Stand Out

I pray we can come together as the family of God and be that city on the hill, a city so brightly lit that our children can see their way to Jesus.
A Firm Foundation

A Firm Foundation

I am using this description because, honestly, doesn’t life feel like trying to stand up in the ocean? Some days we are pounded by big waves, and some days we are rocked by small waves.
Rich Beyond Measure

Rich Beyond Measure

In the end, the worldly riches we accumulate will be destroyed. After all, our time on this earth is only temporary. We have so many financial plans available to help us prepare for retirement. But we should be investing in our eternal home.
What’s On The Menu?

What’s On The Menu?

In the same way that what we physically eat affects our body and our health, what we feed our mind affects us spiritually. If we never spend time with God and study His word, how can we grow spiritually?