When I resisted his call, He waited. When I turned away, He waited. When I wanted to do things my way, He waited. And when I finally came to Him, He showed me mercy.
From there, I pondered the opponent I face every day… the one who whispers in my ear that I’m not good enough… the one who tells me I’ll never be enough...
This week, I continued my trek diving into the Book of Revelation, and as I journeyed into chapter six, I was immediately reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:15 (KJV).
In my continuance to study the Book of Revelation, I dug into chapter six only to find myself backpedaling through the scripture to refine my thoughts on the rapture...
Just as the prodigal son returned to a forgiving father with arms open wide, overcome with joy that his child was home, our Heavenly Father is waiting with loving hands to embrace us.