

By F. D. Adkins

Most legal documents have some sort of identifying seal.  For example, a birth certificate has an official state seal that is sometimes raised or multicolored depending on the state. But no matter what security feature the seal utilizes to mark the document, that seal offers proof that the document is real. Another example is a notary seal. If you have ever had a document notarized, you would have put your signature on a legal document in front of a notary public. When the notary public places their seal on a document, the notary verifies the identity of the person signing the contract or document. Their seal validates that the signature is authentic.

As I have been writing my second novel, I have been looking at some verses about the Holy Spirit.

  • “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise.” Ephesians 1:13 KJV

Isn’t that amazing? When we believe in Jesus and accept Him as our savior, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

  • “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” Romans 8:15-16 KJV

The Holy Spirit identifies us as children of God. The Holy Spirit is our seal of authenticity. When we believe in Jesus and accept God’s gift of salvation, God marks us with His seal, the Holy Spirit. We belong to Him.

The devil will continue to wreak havoc and stir chaos in our lives while we are still on this earth. But in the end, if we are truly born-again Christians, we have the seal guaranteeing that we belong to God, and we will spend eternity in Heaven with Him.

Bible Verses For This Week:


  1. Denise French

    I am sealed.
    For eternity.
    And The Holy Spirit living inside of me as proof.
    Because HE walks with me & talks with me.
    “You ask me how I know HE LIVES.
    HE LIVES within my heart.”

    Oh how I love how you explained this so perfectly!!! ❤️

  2. Denise French

    I am sealed.
    For eternity.
    And The Holy Spirit living inside of me as proof.
    Because HE walks with me & talks with me.

    “You ask me how I know HE LIVES.
    HE LIVES within my heart.”

    Oh how I love how you explained this so perfectly!!! ❤️

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