Safe Haven

Safe Haven
Safe Haven

By F. D. Adkins

An enormous amount of deer inhabit our property. The other day, someone commented to me about how the deer roam in the open so comfortably even in the midst of hunting season. This morning, as I peered out my window at this majestic doe standing by the back steps, I began to think about this person’s words in regard to hunting. First, let me say that I have no problem with hunting as long as the animals’ meat is used for food and their lives are not taken purely for sport. However, I love gazing at the deer from the window or the porch, so I do not want hunting on my property. I treasure how safe the animals feel. If they felt threatened, I would not have the blessing of watching them. And doesn’t everything deserve a safe place?

That is the beauty of having a personal relationship with Jesus. Satan is “…going to and fro in the earth…” (Job 1:7 KJV), and like a hunter in pursuit of game, Satan is like “… a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour…” (1 Peter 5:8 KJV). The devil is always trying to make us stumble and fall. He is always trying to pull us down physically and mentally. He is always trying to take our focus off of God. But in the midst of the attack, I can open my Bible or kneel to pray, and I am in my safe haven. All of the chaos becomes background noise. The blustery wind, the pummeling hail, and the pounding waves swirl around me, yet I do not feel any of it. My time with God is a place of rest. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 KJV). My time with God fills me with a peace that passes understanding. “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7 KJV). It is not an emotion that can be experienced anywhere else except in the presence of the Lord. “… in thy presence is fulness of joy…” (Psalm 16:11 KJV).

I know this post is not a reflection on one of my typical Bible studies, but today, it is the message that is on my heart. I cannot imagine having non-stop chaos without being able to escape and talk to Jesus. If you do not have that safe haven, Jesus is standing with open arms. Because of His scars, we can come into His presence and find rest.