Need Direction?

Need Direction?
Need Direction?

By F. D. Adkins

When I woke up this morning, I had a list formed in my mind of everything I was going to get done before going with my daughter to the dentist. However, the first thing on the list took longer than I anticipated, and I was discouraged when it was time to leave because I had not achieved my goal. Nonetheless, goal achieved or not, it was time to go.

My daughter has her driver’s license now, so in order for her to miss less time from school, I had her drive separately. That way she could go straight to class without having to go all the way back home. I pulled out of the driveway first, and she should have been close behind me. It is important to note here that she had just been to the dentist last week, and this was a follow-up appointment.

When I arrived at the dentist’s, I waited in the car for her before going in. And I waited. And I waited some more. Well, I started to get concerned. Just as I pick up my phone to check her location, she pulls into the parking lot. I told her that I was starting to worry and asked what took her so long. Her response was, “I went to the wrong dentist.” Of course, I couldn’t help but point out that we had just been there five days ago and find humor in her actually going to the wrong dentist’s office (especially when we have been going to this office for several years). But, in all fairness, I had driven her the last time, and she admitted she hadn’t been paying attention.

As I sat in the lobby waiting while my daughter was seeing the dentist, I thought about her little detour. She thought she knew the way, so she didn’t ask for help or use her GPS.

Then, I thought about my morning and how I woke up with my steps already planned. Of course, having goals and a list of things to accomplish is part of life, and we are supposed to work. But my epiphany here was that just because I think I know how my day should go and what I need to accomplish, that may not be what God wants me to accomplish.

So, as I sat staring into space in the dentist’s office, I asked myself how many times I consult God and ask for directions. Sure, I go to him every morning. But do I truly with an open heart ask, “God what do you want me to do today?”, and then keep my eyes and ears open and focused on the opportunities that He may present me with throughout the day. Do I listen to that voice that tells me to stop going in my direction and send a text to that person God suddenly puts on my heart? Do I take the time to notice that God has put someone right in front of me that needs to hear about Jesus?

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

I need God’s direction in every part of my life and in every part of my day. After all, my GPS brings me back to the same list every morning. God may have a different path planned for my day.

“There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” Proverbs 19:21 KJV

Bible Verse For The Week

1 Comment

  1. Carolyn Bryant

    I know you are right… I should consult with the Lord daily about my plans for the day. Don’t you think our goals & plans would go much better if Jesus is driving the car?

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