Keep On

By F. D. Adkins

This week I continued my study in Revelation in chapter two as Jesus has begun addressing the churches. Last week, I looked at His words to the church at Ephesus where He acknowledges their good works, but at the same time, warns them that they need to come back to their first love. They need to rekindle that excitement and vigor in their relationship with God.

This week, I read and dug into the few verses where Jesus addresses the church at Smyrna. The first point that stands out is that Jesus has no complaints or problems with them. In Revelation 2:9, Jesus says, “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich)…” (KJV). He is letting them know that He sees what they are doing for Him, and He knows what they are going through because of it. He is aware of their suffering.

The next point that caught my attention in this study was that Jesus does not sugarcoat the situation. While He does offer them comfort by telling them not to be afraid, He does not say, ‘Tomorrow it’s all going to get better’. No, Jesus tells them it is going to get worse. In verse 10, He says, “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days…” (KJV).

So, honestly, I read these words and then took a moment to pause and absorb them. Here we have a group of Christians that are standing strong in their faith. Jesus has no harsh words or constructive criticism for them. They are doing the work God has called them to do, and because of their faith, they are facing persecution, they are hit by trouble after trouble after trouble, and on top of that, they are living in poverty. And now, Jesus is telling them there is more trouble to come. One might wonder why these Christians stayed strong in their faith with all of this going against them. The answer is in the remainder of verse ten. Jesus tells them, “…be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life” (KJV). He does not just say they will receive the ‘crown of life’. His words are personal. He says, “I will give you the crown of life.”

We all face hardships. There are patches of life that seem like the struggle is never-ending. We stomp through the mud puddle only to find we are standing in quicksand. But friends, if we stand strong in our faith, think of that day, that glorious day, when we receive the crown of life from Jesus Himself. And, oh, to hear Him say, “…Well done, good and faithful servant…” (Matthew 25:23 KJV).

1 Comment

  1. Carolyn Bryant

    Life gives us a lots of things to find joy in but also gives us trials to deal with. God never told us that when we get saved that life would be a bed of roses. We have trials to face but the good news is that as Christians that the Lord is always with us. He even carries us when we need Him to. Won’t it be wonderful when we are done here and we are finally in heaven, He personally gives us the crown of life? Thank you Farrah for the blog today and the new section for prayer requests. Everyone has needs for prayer in their lives or for someone they love or know.

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