Home Plate Ahead: Run For Jesus

Home Plate Ahead: Run For Jesus
Home Plate Ahead: Run For Jesus

By F. D. Adkins

As I have mentioned before, my son is graduating from high school this year. And, with May upon us, the reality of it is settling in. As I write this blog, my son is finishing up his last week of high school baseball games with only two left. Recently, I was asked to find a little league picture of my son to be used at his senior night baseball game, so I had to take a long trip down memory lane. Of course, a few tears were involved, and as I searched through all those photos, I reflected on how much time we have spent at baseball fields. He has played ball since he was three years old starting with wee ball and then tee ball, little league, travel baseball, middle school baseball, and high school baseball. Obviously, going to games and watching our little boy on the field has been part of our routine for a lot of years. But as Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV says, “To everything there is a season….” So, I guess it is time for my son to enter a new season whether I am ready or not.

In all those years going to the field, I have heard coaches and parents quote the saying, “leave it all on the field,” many times. In other words, try your hardest, do your best, give it all you’ve got, … if you play the game to the best of your ability, you will have no regrets.

As baseball and changing seasons were on my mind this week, I thought about that saying. Shouldn’t those words apply to my life?

  • “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” Colossians 3:23 KJV.

I ask myself when I have completed my race here in this world, can I say that I left it all on the field? When Jesus returns, can I say that I did my best with the life he gave me? When I enter into His presence, can I say with a sincere heart that I glorified Him in every part of my life?

I pray that I will serve God and honor Him in everything that I do. I pray that I can say, “I left it all on the field.”

Bible Verse For The Week: