For You & For Me

For You & For Me
For You & For Me

By F. D. Adkins

Lying on the hospital bed, he stares straight up at the fluorescent light. Spots fill his vision as his unblinking eyes get lost in the glare. He falls into some sort of trance like he is floating in space looking at himself from the outside. His thoughts take him on the journey that brought him here. He has had money. He has had fame. He has had success. The world has treated him well. High after high, he has kept climbing the limbs the world had to offer in search of the ultimate high. But he hadn’t found true happiness yet. He had never felt that real joy he was in search of. So, he knew he hadn’t climbed high enough yet. But now, even though he is still considered a young man, it seems the climb may be over. The doctors told him he has a condition. The muscle in his heart is slowly hardening, and soon, it will not be able to pump blood through his body anymore. His death will be a painful one.

The door to the room creaks open and slams with a thud. In a moment, his doctor is standing over him, and the young man blinks to clear the spots and bring the doctor into focus.

“Son, I have some news for you,” the doctor says in a humble voice. “We have the heart for your transplant.”

The young man narrows his eyes as he gazes up at the doctor. “But I thought there was only one person that could give me a replacement.”

“Yes.” The doctor sits on the edge of the bed. “Your father said he would give anything for you to live. He has already made the sacrifice. All we need to do now is perform the surgery, and then you will be like new. Of course, you will have to make some changes to your lifestyle. Your body will need to accept this new heart, and I’m sure you want to take care of this one. You don’t want to waste this second chance.”

“No, I don’t want it, but thanks anyway.”

The doctor tilts his head and glares at the young man in disbelief. “What do you mean you don’t want it? Your father already sacrificed his life to give you his heart. The process was brutal, and he suffered agonizing pain. Your father died to give you life. And you are telling me that you don’t want his heart?”

The young man’s jawline hardens, and he speaks in a flat voice. “No. I don’t.”

“I don’t understand. Why would you waste your father’s sacrifice?” The doctor shakes his head in confusion.

“Because if I take that heart, I will have to change. I will have to stop doing the things that make me somebody in this world.” The young man squeezes his eyes closed. “But mostly because if I accept that heart, I am acknowledging that my father loved me that much. He loved me enough to die for me.”


This coming Sunday is Easter, the day that we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. The day we remember what Jesus did for us. He suffered and was nailed to a cross for our sins. Three days later, he rose from the grave victorious over death. Because of his sacrifice, because of the price he paid, we can have eternal life with Him in Heaven.

As I studied my Bible this week, I kept going back to the verse in Luke where Jesus wept over Jerusalem.

  • “And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it.” (Luke 19:41 KJV.)

He comes riding into Jerusalem, and the crowds are celebrating and cheering, praising God and saying, “Hosanna” (Matthew 21:9 KJV). But Jesus looks out over the city and weeps. Of course, we know the story. It’s not long before people are yelling “Crucify Him.”

  • “But they cried, saying, Crucify him, crucify him.” Luke 23:21 KJV.

Imagine standing in a crowd before Jesus and yelling “Crucify him”. Going back to my opening story, it is obviously fictional, but the premise holds truth. All week, I have kept thinking about how our world still shouts those words. I have thought about the torturous death of our Lord, and how He suffered. And I keep asking how that kind of love can be rejected.

In 1963, the Bible and prayer were taken from our public schools. And, if we think about how much time our kids are at school, I can see how this decision has disarmed our kids in the spiritual battle. Over time the enemy has used this foothold. Today, the news reflects the level of violence in our schools. And then, I don’t know much about vaping devices, but I know that they come in flavors that appeal to young people. And I understand that ambulances are having to be called to schools because of reactions that young people are having to the chemicals in these devices. Then add in that our children are no longer being taught God’s design for the family. The Bible and prayer have been taken out of a place where our children spend a great deal of their day. Yet, the devil’s tactics and temptations surround them.

I think of how Jesus cried as He looked at Jerusalem, and I can only imagine the tears that He must shed when His sacrifice is ignored or rejected. This week, as we approach Easter, look at the cross with me. Look at what it truly stands for.

  • “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 KJV.

He paid the price for you and for me. He hung on that cross for you and for me.

He gave His life for us. Let’s not take His sacrifice for granted. Let’s give Him the praise He deserves. Let’s live the life He has given us for Him.

Bible Verse For This Week:

1 Comment


    Your Blog this week is so beautiful & amazing. What an amazing way to set the stage to tell the story in a different way of John 3:16 & the plan of Salvation. I felt I was actually in the hospital room with this young, successful patient. The doctor, the images, the sounds in the room came to life. In this one Blog you gave us a different way to perceive “us” rejecting “HIM”. It sheds a different light on what we are actually rejecting when we reject HIM … The One Who gave all that we may live.

    And I heard a song this week that has these words “And look at the wounds that give me life. Grace flowing from HIS side. No greater sacrifice. What HE’s done. What HE’s done”

    Thank you so much for giving this vivid look.

    As I look forward to Easter this week & all that this brings…. I am so in awe & thinking of my Mom & Dad who are now with JESUS … and what that must look like to them. As I wait ‘my turn’ here on this Earth, I am reminded of Jesus & HIS Resurrection from the grave. And I know HE is very much alive …. And HIS Promise that all who believe in HIM will not die but will live forever with HIM.

    Happy Easter, Denise

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