Do Others See Jesus In Me?

Do Others See Jesus In Me?

Do others see Jesus in me?

Living in a land where they were surrounded by idolatry and a law that should have forced them to conform to the world around them, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to compromise their faith. King Nebuchadnezzar had created a golden idol, and when the music played, all were required to fall and worship his statue. They could have avoided adversity. They could have pretended to worship. But if they had, they would have hidden their love for God, and how could others know about the true God if their lives were not examples for Him. However, in the same way, they did not flaunt or seek attention for their disobedience of the law. They did not shout in the street and stir trouble. They simply did not conform. They continued to worship only God and others saw. Some became angry and told the king. Yet, upon confrontation, literally in the heat of the moment, they stood strong with character and dignity, proclaiming their obedience only to God.

This week, I began studying the book of Daniel. As many times as I have heard the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel, chapter 3, I had never really thought about how they did not flaunt their disobedience to the king. However, they followed and remained faithful to God and others saw.

Friends, I realized this was a prime example of how our lives are a testament for Christ. When we say that we are Christians, others are watching and viewing us as representatives of Jesus.

The question is, when others watch and listen, do they see and hear the love of a devoted follower of Christ? Do the things we say and do lead people to Christ or push them away?

Quite a while ago, my family relocated to the northern states. We lived in Maine for two years. Now having been born and raised in the South, my speech was a dead giveaway that my roots were not local. Everywhere I went, people would ask where I was from.

As I think how obvious my dialect was to others and how they knew as soon as I spoke that I was not from that area, shouldn’t my love for Jesus be just as obvious? If I am with friends or family, at the store, or in a restaurant, would others wonder or need to ask if I am a Christian? Do my actions and words reflect the love of Christ?

Do others see Jesus in me?

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 KJV


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