Breaking News

Breaking News
Breaking News

By F. D. Adkins

How many conversations have I heard in the last few weeks about eggs versus the conversations I have heard about Jesus? How many conversations have I had about eggs in the past few weeks versus the number of conversations I have had about Jesus?

These may seem like farfetched or maybe even completely off-the-wall questions, but these are the questions that popped into my mind as I studied the book of Acts this past week. Let me explain.

The first words that really caught my attention were in Acts 6:7 which states, “And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly…” (KJV). If the word of God was spreading, we should expect that Satan was going to try to stop it… and guess what… he did try. Why? Because the devil does not want the Word of God to spread. As Stephen spread the message about Christ, certain men wanted to discredit him, but they could not with honesty. So, in order to stop people from listening, they made up lies and even brought up false witnesses to speak fallacies against Stephen.

It seems to me that the hot topic of conversation was centered around Jesus.

Now, let me skip ahead a little bit to Acts 17. Paul and Silas arrive in Thessalonica, and Paul is preaching the resurrection of Christ. Take note in Acts 17: 4, the Bible says, “And some of them believed…” (KJV). Here we know the Word of God is spreading and the number of believers is growing. But again, those who did not believe try to cause a stir grasping for a way to keep the message from going any further. So they gathered a mob and when they could not find Paul and Silas, they attacked the house of Jason and brought them before the rulers of the city… “crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also” (Acts 17:6 KJV).

I had to stop and ponder on that verse for a bit. And honestly, my first thought… Wow! The unbelievers saw Christians changing the world.

Now, let me go back to the questions at the beginning. In the last few weeks, I have noticed the dramatic price increase on eggs has been a hot topic. From news headlines to the talk in the aisles at the grocery store, the cost of eggs has people talking. At least, I know I have been involved in a bit of chatter about the added expense as I have stood staring in disbelief in front of the refrigerated section in the store. And before the egg drama, it was gas prices… grocery prices… lumber… steel… the weather.

What’s my point? I am wondering if we are still like those early Christians making Jesus the center of our conversations. So, I ask myself… am I talking about the price of eggs or the price Jesus paid on that cross?


  1. Carolyn Bryant

    Lord, help us to take the opportunities we are given in life to be the witness for You that we desire to be…

  2. Denise French

    You know Farrah, I got thinking….. or should I say God lead me to share this….

    As you & I know: The purpose we were created is to have an personal intimate relationship with God.
    And then, to “go tell others”.

    And then too – the Freewill HE so generously gave us. Not only to accept this personal intimate relationship with HIM – or – to deny HIM.
    And the Freewill to do whatever we choose to do in this life here on Earth.
    Which in itself is “mind blowing”!

    And we can use “whatever means”, every opportunity, our career, our passion, our hobby, our platform of social media including your book writing – to point others to HIM.

    To talk about something other than “eggs” – maybe the egg topic even can spring board us into a conversation about JESUS with a stranger. What if that is how we start a conversation with a complete stranger that leads us to talk about JESUS?

    Now that would be “breaking news” !

    Now, we know it will be rejected – just like in Paul & Silas’ day. BUT what about when IT hits the mark of the heart?!

    I cherish your books, and your blogs!

    You keep it up girl!

    You ARE telling the world about HIM!

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