A Foundation That Won’t Crumble

A Foundation That Won’t Crumble
A Foundation That Won't Crumble

By F. D. Adkins

In last week’s blog, I shared my thoughts on a Bible study that had led me to the book of Job. I was searching out scripture to answer the question, “Why would God allow His children to go through a hardship or suffer?” I hope you had a chance to read and comment with your thoughts on this frequently asked question.

This week, as I was working on a social media reel on the wise man who built his house on the rock in Matthew 7:24-27, my line of thinking swept right back to the story of Job. In Matthew 7:24-25, Jesus says, “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock” (KJV).

In Satan’s attempt to get Job to curse God, he took almost everything from Job, even his children. My mind cannot wrap around the pain and grief that Job must have endured. Yet, Job did endure it, and he did it without faltering in his faith. Satan could not make Job turn from God. Yes, Job did eventually question God because he thought his suffering was from God, but he never turned away from God. Job’s house was built upon the rock. He was not just a hearer of the Word, but he was a ‘doer(s) of the Word’ (James 1:22 KJV).

And when I think of Job, the loss he suffered, and his tremendous faith, I am reminded of my grandmother. I have shared her story with you before, but to summarize for those who may not have read those posts, she lost her parents at an early age, endured an abusive relationship, and lost her youngest son and her husband to suicide. Again, my mind does not even want to fathom the level of pain she must have felt, but I know the only way she was able to cope was with God by her side. My grandmother had unbreakable faith. She prayed continuously, and I never remember seeing her Bible closed. Her house was built upon the rock. She was not just a hearer of the Word, but she was a ‘doer(s) of the Word’ (James 1:22 KJV).

Let us make sure our house is built upon the rock, and let us keep our house maintained on that rock by not only reading God’s Word daily but by living according to God’s Word daily.


  1. Denise French

    Oh Farrah, my eyes are fixed on a phrase you use in your Blog……”unbreakable faith”.

    Oh Father God, grant me unbreakable faith.

    Thank you for your faithfulness in sharing these scriptures and encouraging me with the words of “your testimony”.

  2. Carolyn Bryant

    Your faith has always kept you in a relationship with God that makes you strong. You take every day no matter how bad you feel, how tired you are, or what you have on your plate to do and put God first always. You have taken after your grandmother more than you will ever know. I should know, I am your mother and she was my mother. I love you.

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