Warrior Sisters

Warrior Sisters
Warrior Sisters

By F. D. Adkins

I work out every morning, and even though I have done so for years, I still have to focus when I do abdominal exercises. Because I delivered both of my children via c-section and those muscles were cut through, it has taken time to strengthen the tissues in my stomach. So, when I do sit-ups or crunches, my back comes to the rescue as if to say, “Don’t worry, stomach muscles. I’m here. Together, we got this.”

When one part of our body is weaker, other stronger parts kick in to pick up the slack. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul refers to believers as members of the body of Christ. We have different talents and roles to play in serving God and fulfilling His purpose. But just as my back muscles jump in to help out my stomach muscles, or my hand reaches down to offer relief to an itch on my leg, as Christians, we need to be attentive to the bonds we have as the body of Christ because we have much to offer each other.

This week I began studying the book of Romans. And immediately, the following verse grabbed a hold of me. “That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me” (Romans 1:12 KJV). Paul was longing to see the Romans not just for how he could help them, but how they could comfort each other in their faith.

As I read this verse, I could not help but think of my ‘Warrior Sister’. I know I have mentioned this friend before, but as Christians, it is the type of bond that I have with this friend that I believe we all need. This goes beyond fellowship and greeting each other on Sunday morning. I am talking about how each part of the body works together to support the other. Our heart pumps blood carrying oxygen through our body, but without our lungs to take in the oxygen, what is that blood going to deliver?

This is the type of support and encouragement that I get from my ‘Warrior Sister.’ As followers of Christ, we know that each day the enemy is waiting to attack. Satan is hovering in the shadows seeking to offer every distraction and throw as many hurdles in front of us as he can so that we lose focus and will not focus on what God has for us to accomplish. This is where the name ‘Warrior Sister’ comes from. We use this title because each morning, we text each other with words of encouragement and a reminder to put our shields up, lock them together, and prepare for battle. For example, my text from my ‘Warrior Sister’ this morning reads, Shields UP! God goes before us… And behind us… AND beside us.

Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 KJV says, “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.” When we put on our armor, we each have our shield of faith. But when we stand together we can form a wall with those shields just like the Roman soldiers.

Romans 1:12 uses the word, ‘comfort’. To me, the word ‘comfort’ indicates a deeper connection… the connection that I have with my “Warrior Sister.” It is the connection that says, “Don’t worry. Together we got this.”

I pray that we will remember that as children of God, we are one body, the body of Christ. And as the body of Christ, we will comfort each other in our faith with that connection that says, “Don’t worry. Together we got this.”