The Strength To Be Meek

The Strength To Be Meek
The Strength To Be Meek

By F. D. Adkins

If we watch the news, or apparently just drive down the road, we will most likely see some form of aggressive behavior. As I did a bit of research, I was shocked at the statistics for road rage incidents. The article, “Reports of Road Rage Shootings Are on the Rise,” by Sarah Burd-Sharps and Kathryn Bistline, released by Everytown Research, states that, in 2021, someone was shot in a road rage incident every eighteen hours in the United States. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around a type of aggression as drastic as that just because a driver cut another car off or a car pulled out in front of another. But then look at social media. Aggression does not have to be physical. Cyberbullying has become a major problem that affects teenagers. I mean, these are not acts of self-defense in a life or death situation. These are needless acts of aggression and violence.

As we aspire to be more like Jesus, I wanted to explore the word “meek”. Look at the following two verses:

“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5 KJV

“But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” Psalm 37:11 KJV

What does it mean to be meek? To begin, meek does not indicate weakness but rather exhibits strength. Weakness is when a person cannot do something. Meekness is when a person is strong enough but chooses not to. Meekness exhibits power under control. For example, a meek person would choose not to ride the bumper of the car that just pulled out in front of him/her. They have the ability, but they choose not to.

Now, take a look at the picture of my dog above. She is meek. She is getting older now, but as my children have grown up with her, they have dressed her up in Halloween costumes, played dentist with her as the patient, painted her nails, put hairbows on her ears… all things that I am sure our dog loved. Well, actually she probably did because she loves my children. But, in the picture above, my son put that headband on the dog while she was trying to sleep. You can tell that she doesn’t look thrilled, yet she lets him do it. Note that she doesn’t have to let him put the headband on her. She is a strong bulldog. But she does…. Why? Because she loves him.

Jesus didn’t have to be nailed to a cross. He didn’t have to tolerate people spitting on him. He didn’t have to withstand the beatings.  But He did. He submitted to His Father’s will and died in our place.

If we want to be more like Jesus, we have to be meek. When we exhibit meekness, we submit to God and His authority. And the Bible says that the meek will inherit the earth and have an abundance of peace.


Burd-Sharps, Sarah & Kathryn Bistline. “Reports of Road Rage Shooting are on the Rise.” Everytown Research, 30 June 2021,

Bible Verse For This Week:

1 Comment


    I never took the time to completely understand “meek” or at least did not “listen” as I was being taught…. and I guess I too automatically thought “weak”. This may be the first time that I really understand the full meaning. The statement you made “Meekness is when a person is strong enough but chooses not to”….. WOW. Strong enough not to: retaliate, to hold your tongue, to turn the other cheek….. WOW!

    Your blog this week, I have given the sub-title: Lessons from Lucy. Like you & I have talked before – there are sermons in everything, everywhere….. Even from our pets. What a beautiful picture of putting the full meaning in a story from precious, dedicated, patient Lucy. Good Girl to both of you!

    Meek has a whole new light shining on it for me. Now I see “power”.

    And to seal the whole story….. this part brought me to tears…. You always point us to John 3:16!

    “HE didn’t have to….. but HE did”.

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