It’s Beyond Me

It’s Beyond Me

It’s beyond me…

This past month, I have been doing a lot of soul-searching, praying, and seeking God’s guidance on the next phases of my writing career. In doing so, I have not been as active in posting on social media. Instead, I have found myself in need of a pause to dig deeper into God’s Word. And as I have shared in the last few blogs, I am currently studying the book of Jeremiah. I have been overwhelmed by how this book has spoken to my heart and given me many messages to ponder, including the short chapter I read yesterday.

In chapter forty-five, the story jumps a bit back in time, correlating with the events that take place in chapter thirty-six when Jeremiah had Baruch the son of Neriah write down the words that God had given. In this latter chapter, we are given a brief glimpse into a moment where Baruch is consumed by self-pity. In Jeremiah 45:3, Baruch is quoted as saying, “…Woe is me now! for the Lord has added grief to my sorrow; I fainted in my sighing, and I find no rest” (KJV).

In reading this chapter, it might be tempting to stand on the outside and focus only on this man’s concern for his own comfort and rest, but if I take a step to the inside, I have to ask myself how often I grumble when the hardship rains down and the stress level rises.

How does God respond to Baruch’s self-pity? In Jeremiah 45:5, He asks Baruch, “And seekest thou great things for thyself?…” (KJV).

I find the question at hand to be rather humbling. As I look at our world and the constant desire to climb to the next level (more money, a bigger house, a better job), this question puts it all in perspective. We are not here for personal fame and fortune. We are not here for the world to see us. We are here for the world to see HIM.

God continues in verse five, instructing Baruch not to seek his own desires and selfish wants, and as the destruction and punishment consume the evil around him, God reminds Baruch that He will protect him wherever he goes.  The remainder of Jeremiah 45:5 reads, “…seek them not: for, behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the Lord: but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest” (KJV).

In summary, this miniature chapter of five verses packs a powerful punch. While the words are humbling, the message is simple, and the path is clear. True success should not be measured by our worldly gain or attained with a selfish heart. After all, we are not here for the world to see us… we are here for the world to see HIM!

My purpose in life… it’s beyond me.


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