Cloud Burst

Cloud Burst

By F. D. Adkins

I love to photograph nature. However, as I snap endless photos outside, taking entire photo shoots of a single lizard, frog, or unique-looking spider, I procrastinate going back and deleting the pictures I do not want. So, from time to time, I will get those notifications that my cloud is full and can hold no more. And since I do not want to lose any treasured memories, I find myself scrambling to clean out the photo folders and clear up space.

I tend to deal with emotional stress in the same way as the photos on my phone. Instead of crying or getting upset with each problem or hurdle, I tuck it away inside. Then, as a cloud slowly collects water from the atmosphere and then gets so heavy it bursts, all of the stresses that I keep collecting build up until the tiniest thing causes an eruption of tears. And for a day or two, a steady rain will release all that I have held in.

This week, I chose Psalm 6, verses 6 and 9, to memorize because these verses show true human emotion… emotion that we can connect to. David is distraught with heartache to the point that he is crying all night. Yet, in the midst, we see him trust God. He has hope and faith that God has heard him and will answer his prayer. I hope you will memorize these verses with me this week and let these verses remind us that we are never alone. Our Father is always there listening, even through a flood of tears.

“I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears. …The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer.” Psalm 6:6 & 9 (KJV)