When the Enemy Attacks

When the Enemy Attacks
When the Enemy Attacks

By F. D. Adkins

With an arrow meant to paralyze,

he targets weaknesses I don’t even realize.

In a game so well-played,

he aims to make my happiness fade.

Letting the ‘what-ifs’ fill me with fear,

I stand frozen forgetting to let God steer.

But then, I cling to my shield and recall the threat that is real,

for it is God’s plan for me today that the enemy desires to steal.

Wielding my sword, I whisper verse after verse.

Falling to my knees, with my Father I converse.

Focusing my thoughts on what I know is true,

I hear Him say, “FEAR NOT, FOR I AM WITH YOU.”


Friends, our enemy wants to take our focus off of Jesus. He wants to steal our joy and stop us from doing the work that God has called us and created us to do. The enemy studies us, searches out our weaknesses, and hits us with a sneak attack.

1 Peter 5:8 (KJV) instructs us to, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour.”

It is essential for us to be aware of the enemy’s tactics and be ready to protect ourselves against them. 1 Peter 5:8 warns us to be watching and on guard, and Ephesians 6:11 tells us how to defend ourselves. We are told to, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (KJV).

So, every day we need to put on:

  • The Belt of TRUTH: Know we have accepted Jesus as our Savior and wrap ourselves in God’s Word daily.
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness: Let us not only read God’s Word but live by and adhere to what HIS WORD says.
  • Shoes of Peace: Let us stand with our feet firmly planted on the hope that only comes from a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • The Shield of Faith: Faith protects us from the devil’s lies. We know the TRUTH. Our Father has already won the battle.
  • The Helmet of Salvation: We protect our minds and thoughts with the assurance that we are children of God. And if our minds are focused on Jesus, the devil cannot occupy our thoughts.
  • The Sword of the Spirit: Not only do we need to study scripture, but we also need to memorize it.


  1. Rita Cope - Messer

    Great message for all of us today. Thank. You Farrah.

  2. Carolyn Bryant

    Loved this blog!! We all can learn from this message. Thank you Farrah for all your blogs. Loved the poem ❤ !!!

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